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Remember The Chain Smoking Baby? Look At What He’s Doing Now.

When he was just two years old, Aldi Rizal went viral for an incredibly strange and disturbing reason: A picture of him chain-smoking hit the Internet, and people simply couldn't believe what they were seeing. The outcry around the world led to the Indonesian government cracking down on child smoking and cigarette sales, and since then Aldi has kicked the habit.
However, this young man has since replaced his smoking habit with something else, and it's equally as troubling. Instead of cigarettes, it seems that this little boy is now addicted to food, and according to a recent documentary about him, it's a habit that's equally as hard to break.
Now, you can see the most recent photos of this little boy in the story below. He seems to be pretty happy -- but his lifestyle might not be the best for him.

Aldi's picture went viral two years ago, and it's not hard to see why.

According to the original story, he'd gotten up to smoking about 40 cigarettes per day at the time.

Now, the little guy has kicked the smoking habit.

But apparently, he's picked up overeating instead.

To quit smoking, he was taken to play therapy sessions in Indonesia's capital of Jakarta.

His parents were also given instructions, on how to keep him away from cigarettes and the dangers of smoking.

They were successful at getting him to quit.

One of his therapists, Dr Kak Seto, still sees Aldi and his family at regular intervals to ensure he is not falling back into old habits.

Unfortunately, it's harder to apply these rules to food.

Unlike cigarettes, we need food to survive the day. Avoiding it is impossible, which is why Aldi is having a harder time controlling his diet.

Mrs Rizal is now worried about her son's weight, as he weighs about double what a child his age should.

She described how he now demands food in the same way he used to beg for cigarettes, and the family struggles not to give in to his tantrums.

It's a daily struggle, but one the family is committed to working on together.

Little Aldi might not have his health in check just yet, but he's happy, strong, and working towards health and wellness every day. Plus, he says he'll never pick up another cigarette again.

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