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This Trainer Deliberately Gained 70lbs To Inspire His Client To Lose Weight.

If you want to lose weight and get into shape, it might be wise to hire a personal trainer. Not only can a trainer help you learn how to properly exercise and set you up with a diet, but they can also be instrumental in holding you accountable. It's always easy to embark upon a fitness journey with someone else -- and if that someone else is starting from the same place as you are, it's all the more powerful.
The thing is, though, that most trainers are NOT starting from the same place as you: They're at their peak fitness level, and the idea is that they teach you to get where they are. Adonis Hill is a trainer who wanted to take a different approach. Instead of teaching his client to look like him, he decided to gain weight to look like her -- and by doing so, they started the journey on a level playing field. Read more about Adonis' unconventional methods, and why they were so successful, below.

Adonis Hill is a personal trainer in New York City.

There are hundreds of trainers just like him in the area, but there's something Adonis does for his clients that sets him apart from the rest.

To let his clients know that he's right there with him Adonis gains weight, too.

His very first client was Alissa, for whom he gained 69 pounds.

That way, it's like they're taking the journey together.

Adonis says he previously struggled with food addiction, and he wants his clients to know that he really can imagine himself in their shoes.

To put on the weight, he stopped exercising entirely.

He also increased his food consumption to about 6,000- 7,000 calories a day. Adonis and Alissa started their journey from the same fitness level.

Alissa couldn't believe that he would sacrifice his physique and health for her.

The entire process was documented on A&E's "Fat to Fit," and it was clearly an emotional time for both of them.

Though Alissa shed the most tears, it was emotional for Adonis as well.

He struggled with food addiction before getting fit, so putting the weight back on had to be mentally taxing.

Together, they lost over 100 pound.

Alissa lost 58 pounds during the training program, and Adonis lost 54.

They motivated one another to keep going.

Usually, the trainer relationship is pretty one-sided. For these two, it was all about teamwork and reciprocity.

His transformation photos aren't typical.

Here, you see Adonis go from a hard-bodied trainer, to gaining serious weight, to losing it again.

And Alissa looks amazing as well.

She has plans to keep going, even after her training sessions with Adonis are over. He has motivated her to maintain this lifestyle change forever.

And for Adonis, the decision to take this unconventional approach to weight loss was easy.

"If I can change people and their perception about losing weight by going through it again, I'll do it." Clearly, his methods are more effective than he could have imagined.

Next, this couple lost 280 pounds together.

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